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My name is Richard J. Fowlks, a lifelong resident of the Great Northwest.  I am a graphic designer with a specialization in photography retouch and publication design.  I am fascinated with comic book and pop culture, and my work is inspired by different eras of media.

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I prepare work for both print and the web. I’ve worked with big national clients and local mom and pop companies for over 13 years with a vast range of diversity in projects.


For me, art and creativity is a complex communication with the intended audience.  As a designer, I seek to communicate clearly and concisely with intuitive design that conveys the meaning and intent of the material.  Each design choice–from color to typography to size and spacial relationships–creates meaning for the material being presented. Any extraneous design for design's sake is not just a waste of space, but dilutes the power of the communication with your audience. I am inspired during collaborations with photographers and authors to deliver their intended material in a way that draws the audience in and shares a viewpoint with them.


When I’m not in front of a computer monitor, I can be found outside playing with my kids, reading or enjoying a tasty beverage.

All images and materials copyright the photographer noted, otherwise the respective publisher.

Richard J Fowlks

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